
Multiply project

Maths, numeracy skills

Multiply - Budgeting like a Pro

Further develop your budgeting skills and learn new techniques to improve your spending habits


Availability  This course requires you to follow an application process.  5places

27 Feb 2025 (Spring)

4 weeks

Thu 09:30-12:00

The Learning Place  A link to Google Maps in a new window with this postcode. Google map


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Multiply - Introduction to spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel

Do you need to organise your finances electronically? Would you like to learn how to use Microsoft Excel to create spreadsheets? By the end of the course you will be able to create a simple spreadsheet using rows and columns which can be manipulated mathematically, enter and save data


Availability  This course is available for enrolment.  6places

27 Feb 2025 (Spring)

5 weeks

Thu 13:00-15:00

The Learning Place  A link to Google Maps in a new window with this postcode. Google map


more information about this course...