English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
Improve your English (ESOL E1)
This is a basic course for people who have limited English. You will be asked to attend an admission session before you are placed on a course. Fees will apply depending on circumstances.
total fee for this course:£462.00, (concessions free)
This course is available but you cannot enrol online. Please make an enquiry below, and someone will contact you.
more information about this course...Improve your English (ESOL E1/E2)
For people with a basic knowledge of English. You will be asked to attend an Admission Session before you are enrolled on a course. Fees will apply depending on circumstances.
total fee for this course:£462.00, (concessions free)
This course is full. Please contact us on 01202 123444 to be added to the queue.
more information about this course...