
course category
                                     Help Your Child with Maths - Multiply
Help Your Child with Maths - Multiply
5  courses  available
We are now delivering Maths as part of the UK Government Multiply programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills. We have developed a range of courses aimed at parents and carers supporting children with their maths learning.
course category
                                     Skills for Work and Volunteering
Skills for Work and Volunteering
10  courses  available
Skills for Work and Volunteering. On-demand Online and scheduled Face to Face courses. Build your Confidence to re-enter the workplace, learn essential skills and gain exposure to working in specific settings such as teaching and care.
course category
                                     Maths Skills for Work and Life - Multiply
Maths Skills for Work and Life - Multiply
4  courses  available
We are now delivering Maths as part of the UK Government Multiply programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills. We have courses aimed at those needing to increase their maths skills for the workplace and everyday life.
course category
                                     Digital and IT Skills for Work and Life
Digital and IT Skills for Work and Life
13  courses  available
Gain confidence in an online world. Computer courses to learn essential digital skills for getting the most out of your IT.
course category
2  courses  available
English lessons at all levels including English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).
course category
                                     Family Learning
Family Learning
10  courses  available
Courses aimed at parents and the vulnerable in society to develop supportive relationships.
course category
                                     Knowing your Future
Knowing your Future
4  courses  available
These courses are aimed at increasing knowledge and confidence in key skills to support people new to living in the UK. We have courses for young people aged 15 – 21 years and courses for adults aged 19+ years. Courses are funded by alternative funding to the regular Adult Education courses.